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The CEEC's Technological Innovation Conference on Energy Management brings together the main agents of the sector

EdificioDatapro has attended the Jornada d'Innovació Tecnològica on the Gestió de l'Energia that took place on July 2 and 8 virtually, and which has brought together the main agents of the sector to analyze the impact of technology on energy management, where we have been a benchmark for nearly 20 years in its application for the capture and digitization of networks.

Organized by the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) and the Digital Cluster, it has had the support of ACCIÓ and the Clúster de l'Energia Eficient de Catalunya (CEEC) and representatives of firms such as ENAGÁS, Simon Holding, RETIT (Red Eléctrica of Spain) or Wasnell Energia.

These sessions are part of a cycle of conferences designed to share knowledge, experiences and success stories, in addition to allowing debate on the new challenges in the sector that represent the starting point for collaborative projects.